Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Happy Review Essay Example

Happy Review Paper Essay on Happy They say that fate does not send a test person is heavier than he can bear. And yet, that much of our life is predetermined. So Alice Sebold was destined to survive all that she went through, and then describe it in a book called Happyƃ‚ ». This is a work of a student who was brutally raped and struggle sought condemnation of the man who made her die and be reborn again. The young girl did not gloss over this heinous crime, she was not ashamed or scared. She wanted only one thing that the offender would be said in all fairness. And her life after everything that had to endure, finally joined again to normal Alice Sebold tells this terrible story without embellishment and without hiding any unpleasant moments -. As it was in reality. Still, after all, who, if not Alice Sebold know whats going on in the soul of raped girls. The book is autobiographical. Writer itself experienced all that described in the book, which, in spite of this topic is called Happy. And this word can indeed be attributed to the Alice Sebold. In some ways, it really was lucky. Firstly, because it was raped but did not kill, like the heroine of her own works, The Lovely Bones. Secondly, it has managed to survive all of this and obtain justice. And thirdly, he became a famous writer, whose books on filmmaking. We will write a custom essay sample on Happy Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Happy Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Happy Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer With specific regard to the book itself, it impresses with its sincerity and warmth, so read in one breath. However, this time I almost written out of the book of quotations, but it has received from something else Perhaps not quite correct to say, Happy. a novel exclusively on rape and its consequences. Not at all. Its about hope, about the power of the human spirit, and that justice in our world exists, only it is necessary to fight hard. Life is over. Life had just begun

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